Lois Rice Lifetime Volunteer Achievement Award


The Lifetime Volunteer Achievement Award was created in 2009 to honour the lifetime voluntary contributions of an individual, with Anne Walton being the first recipient. The inaugural presentation of this award took place at Volunteer MBC’s 2012 Annual General Meeting and 2nd Annual Volunteer Recognition Awards Event held in April 2012.

Award Criteria

  • Has accumulated over 25 years of volunteer experience with one, two, three or more community service organizations
  • Is a true role model for other volunteers in their organization or in the community
  • Has left a legacy through volunteer efforts of which the positive effects on the community continue to be visible
  • Sets the example for how just one individual can make such an enormous impact in their community by helping others so unselfishly

Previous Award Recipients

Kathleen (Kitty) McCarthy


Karen Brannon


Don Smith


Chander Mohini Sareen


Janice Dennis


Lyla Durette


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