Volunteer MBC strongly believes that youth are the leaders of our tomorrow. We also believe that it is our role to help nurture youth, to provide them with the correct paths to follow, to lead them by example, and to provide recognition for their efforts of helping out their community.
The inaugural presentation of the Leader of Tomorrow Award took place at Volunteer MBC’s 2014 Annual General Meeting and 4th Annual Volunteer Recognition Awards Event held in April 2014.
Award Criteria
Has demonstrated a dedicated, ongoing commitment to the voluntary sector through sharing their expertise, skill set and knowledge
Is a youth (24 or under) who is attending school in Peel (elementary, secondary school, university or college)
Devotes an abundance of their time and resources, and consistently demonstrates a passion for helping others
Shows leadership through example and is a significant contributor to the team/community
Helps to mentor their peers by supporting and advocating for the voluntary sector either through their volunteer engagement or another activity (i.e. presentations at their school, involvement on student group or club, etc.)