
Step Up

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About the program

StepUp is a program with the objective of increasing youth volunteerism and raising the profile of organizations’ missions in our community by spreading the word on how people can participate and engage through volunteerism. It focuses on training youth ages 14-18 on how to communicate the benefits of volunteering to others and raise awareness about the mission of the organizations they represent, so that they can become Volunteer Ambassadors. 

We partner with community organizations and schools to train youth to be effective at connecting with others and become knowledgeable on encouraging others to get involved. This builds up their sense of agency and grows the volunteer pool of the organizations. Along the way, they gain knowledge, develop and showcase their leadership and communication skills and get an opportunity to network with others.

How it works

StepUp Ambassadors can participate by signing up for the role below:

StepUp Youth – Digital Outreach Ambassador

The Digital Outreach Ambassadors will help amplify the mission of organizations by volunteering to raise the organization’s digital profile through social media posts, info-graphics about their cause, videos, news articles and blog posts, and podcast episodes where they interview community leaders and organizations.

Why should I participate?

Benefits to volunteer
Benefits to organizations

Program Eligibility

Youth 14-18


Registration is closed.

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