Gen V: The Great Conversation – Uniting for Collective Care


We are excited to introduce an intergenerational symposium to empower youth and seniors to join together to create the inclusive and united communities they dream of. GenV: The Great Conversation will bring together youth (age 14-22) and older adults (age 55+) to inspire them to have dialogue and work towards achieving collective care, community belonging, and an age-friendly community. We will have a keynote speaker, a performer, volunteer stories and a facilitated visioning exercise for the youth and older adults to discuss what their dreams are for a liberated, more inclusive, and interconnected future for Peel region. 


This year’s keynote speaker is Rania El Mugummar. Rania El Mugammar is a Sudanese artist, abolitionist,  anti-oppression consultant, and liberation educator based in Tkaronto (Treaty 13). Rania’s artistic and community work is deeply rooted in Black liberation, decolonization, transformative justice and repair. Rania is a published writer, award winning organizer, reproductive justice advocate, speaker, arts educator, and multidisciplinary performer.

About Gen V:

Before Millennials, Boomers, Zoomers, before Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha, there were people with a common bond that cut across time. A people united by their spirit, their hope, their vision for the future. These people are Generation V! 

What does the V stand for? 

The V stands for whatever you want it to stand for. Volunteerism? Voice? When you’re in Generation V, only you can define yourself. 

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