VX: Virtual Expo


Our VX: Youth Virtual Volunteer Expo will take place in an immersive vibrant virtual environment. You'll be able to explore various organizations in the community for volunteer opportunities for youth, connect with a cause you're passionate about, and earn volunteer hours, all from the comfort of your home!

Inclusive Leadership Webinar: Building Equity into Practice


This workshop will focus on implementing equitable processes throughout your organizational practices by fostering inclusive leadership. Leaders will learn about understanding bias, promoting diversity and fostering belonging amongst volunteers and staff. We will explore concrete tools and resources to assist leaders in creating inclusive spaces and equitable practices  Link to Register: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/volunteer-mbc/events/inclusive-leadership-building-equity-into-practice/ $10 OFF for...


Webinar: Sustainable Fund Development


This interactive webinar is designed to develop fundamental skills and strategies vital for enhancing organizational financial sustainability when organizing events and festivals. Topics will include understanding the organizational financial landscape, identifying growth opportunities, crafting compelling narratives to resonate with donors, and cultivating strong relationships with supporters. Additionally, various fundraising techniques and channels will be discussed....


Webinar: Understanding Bias to Create Safe Spaces


This workshop is catered towards volunteers and celebrating International Volunteer Day! Participants will learn how understanding, recognizing and addressing implicit biases that affect volunteer interactions and perceptions can help create safer spaces. We will explore the types of bias that we all carry, how to check these biases and use our learnings to facilitate discussions. ...
